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Azoline(Azotobacter Spp)

Features: Bio fertilizer & solublishing nitrogen to fixing bacteria.

Available In : 1 litre/ 5 litres cane.

Dose : 2 litres/ acre through drip and spray.

Price :

  • Benefits

Azotobactor naturally fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the rihizophere. Azotobactor uses carbon for its metabolism. From simple or compound substance of carbonaceous in nature besides, nitrogen fixation. Azotobactor also produces Thiomin, Ribofiovin, Nicotine, indo acetic acid and gibberellins. When Azotobactor is applied to seeds, seed germination is improved to a considerable extent, so also it controls plant diseases due to above substances produced by Azotobactor.


Asicane(Acetobacter Spp)

Features: Bio fertilizers solublishing Nitrogen fixing bacteria in sugarcane crop.

Available In : 1 litre and 5 litre cane.

Dose : 2 litres/ acre through drip.

Price :

  • Benefits

It is an endrotrophic micro organism capable of living inside the plant tissues. It can live in high sugar a level that exists in sugarcane tissues.

Crop King

Crop king(Liquid Consortia)

Features: Liquid mixed bacteria for drip irrigation.

Available In : 1 litre and 5 litre cane

Dose : 2 liters per acre through drip

Price :

  • Benefits

As the product is in the liquid state, these bacteria helps to Improve fertility of soil. these bacteria are capable for solublising/mobilizing fixed Nitrogen phosphorus, potash and micro elements from soil effective on pomegranate, banana, grapes, sugarcane, cotton, papaya all vegetables & cerebrals.

Fungi fighter

Fungi fighter(Tricoderma Viride)

Features: Fungi fighter is advanced technology research product, bio organic fungicide, free from synthetic chemicals. This liquid gives result over a long time span

Available In : 1 litre/ 5 litres cane.

Dose : 2 litres/ acre through drip.
5 ml/litre in water.

Price :

  • Benefits

It is a bio fungicide bacterium, root caller controller. It controls oily spot & other fungus. It helps to inhibit or prevent the growth of fungi on plants, roots or seeds. Applied as a synthetic formula, they provide protection to mature plants, crops and help to keep seeds healthy.

fungi clear

Fungi clear(Pseudomanas Spp)

Features: These are eco friendly bacteria, capable to mobilize unsoluable potash in soil in to easily available to the plants. It can use for the crop wheat, sorgam, corn, cotton, Pomegranate, banana and all types of fruits & vegetables.

Available In : 1 litre/ 5 litres cane.

Dose :2 litres/ acre through drip and spray.
5 ml/litre in water.

Price :

  • Benefits

It helps to prevent plants diseases in the inner plant of crops. It control fungal diseases on crops life Rootrot , stemrot, wilt, blight etc…highly effective fungicide with protective action, also control various diseases in field crops & vegetables; it gives phytotonic effect and improves the plant visible characteristics yields & quickly produce.

K sami


Features: It is potash mobilizing bacteria use of potash mobilizing bacteria in a soil.

Available In : 1 litre and 5 liter cane.

Dose : 2 litre per acre in drip application.

Price :

  • Benefits

These are eco-friendly bacteria capable to mobilize unsolable potash in soil in to easily available to the plants. It can used for the crop, wheat, sorgam, corn, cotton pomegranate, banana and all types of fruits & vegetables.

Nimo kill

Nimo-Kill(Paecilomyces Spp)

Features: Strongly effective on nematode, it prepare protective cover on root zone, bio organic product free from synthetic chemicals these liquid gives results over a long time span. Bio pesticide bacteria this is control of nematodes in soil & plant roots & other dieses.

Available In : 1 litre/ 5 litres cane.

Dose : 2 litres/ acre through drip.

Price :

  • Benefits

It helps to control Nematodes in the plant; it helps to increased disease resistance of the plant.

Phospho plus


Features: Use of phosphorus uptake bacteria in soil application.

Available In : 1 litre and 5 litres cane

Dose : 2 litres /acre through drip

Price :

  • Benefits

These are eco-friendly bacteria capable to mobilize insoluble potash in soil in to easily available to the plants it can used for the crop wheat, sorgarm, corn, cotton pomegranate Banana and all types of fruits & vegetables. Potash soluble bacteria helps to create organic acid & helpful to increase the plant. It increases the productivity & strengthens the crops.

Venture Agro

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